Sunday, November 2, 2008

Vanessa Morgan & Ryan Agoncillo as host

I already kow that Pinoy Fear Factor will be hosted by two person, they were Ryan Agoncillo, and Vannessa Morgan. I didn't mentioned here as often as I don't have so much news about her yet. But now, finally... I already got a pic of her, but It wasn't that much latest photo i think. Hehe

If you were residing here in Philippines or you're connected with TFC Channel, I'm sure that you already seen the PFF trailers right!? I'm just wondering why Abs-Cbn didn't mentioned Vanessa on the trailers and only Ryan alone and didn't even mentioned her name. We're longing for a photo of her! Hehe Hmmm... I do believe that they already announced her name on the previous presscons, so she's officially in! :D

Here is her picture, few years back. Hehe... I don't think that this is a latest picture because i darely say a child can't handle the hosting job of a reality show like Fear Factor. You agree with me, right!? Good! Hehe...

With Ryan Agoncillo, He is really a good actor. I've watched their latest show Pieta for several times, and I really like it! It changed my afternoon viewing habits. And also, Ryan has a terror experience when shooting Pinoy-Fear Factor in Argetina. Uhm, I ratehr not tell right now, I will be making a special post about it, for a halloween special post! Hehe...

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  1. there are LOTS of foto's of vanessa morgan, she is awesome


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